Hello, Pour ceux que ça intéresse on recherche un solution architecte DevOps. L'idée est de faire basculer l'environnement devops actuel d'une grosse DSI vers du IaC (avec opensource) du coté de Zürich en Suisse. intérêt? merci de prendre contact avec moi J ou alors merci de forwarder cet email a quelqu’un de potentiellement intéressé (qualifié pour aussi J )
Merci de votre attention J
Mit freundlichen Grüssen / Bien cordialement,
[image: SigleEtLogo]*Jason HOCHART* Manager Mobile +41 78 942 42 85 Dir +41 31 560 39 28
*Job Desc:*
The SPS Product Integration team is responsible for integration of IT Products and Services into the global infrastructure backbone. Long term vision:
We want to embrace "Infrastructure as Code" paradigm and transform our organization into DevOps shop. C&AM, M&EM and OI are key disciplines in the process of development and integration of cloud-based solutions. Efficient development of these capabilities has dramatic impact on the overall quality of our IT services. Tasks:
- Play us a trusted Owner of topics C&AM, M&EN, OI. Proactively manage and promote capabilities and services in this area. Be an architecture evangelist in this area.
- Modernize existing infrastructure and methodologies (e.g.: transform existing configuration management from imperative into declarative model).
- Promote and advertise your concepts and ideas to infrastructure developers within and outside of your team.
- Support application and infrastructure developers with consultancy in the area of your expertise. Maintain holistic view on topics under your responsibilities.
- *Code it!* All your ideas should result in the code. Skills:
- Able to approach the topic from a holistic view.
- Excellent analytical, conceptual thinking as well as documenting and talking about the concept – enjoys technical discussions, able to understand and integrate different views and requirements.
- Software development background, deep understanding of the Software Development Lifecycle and practices are required.
- Database and Data Modelling skills (relational and NoSQL, GraphDBs, linked data)
- Understand Service Oriented Architecture and related paradigms (e.g. RESTful services)
- Hands on experience with automation and configuration management tools (e.g. Chef, Ansible, Puppet, Salt). Knowledge of the following technologies is a strong plus: GIT, Bamboo, Packer, Terraform, Nomad, Kubernetes, Docker.
- Has a "doer" mentality and is easy to interact with.
- Agility in terms of technologies, methodologies and working models, willingness to learn and adopt new things
Le 18 novembre 2016 à 14:05, Greg greg-frsag@duchatelet.net a écrit :